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Herbal Reiki treatments

Reiki is healing energy that supports the body's own ability to heal and to dissolve blockages.

With Nettle Garden's Herbal Reiki treatments the client relax and let the energy flow. The session includes herbal tea (in person) as well as full Reiki treatments and a short discussion on plants that might be of benefit to the client to continue their healing journey. Treatments usually last 45-60 minutes.

Herbal Reiki treatments are available as distant sessions (20 minutes) as well as in person.

£60 in person

£20 distant treatment

dried herbs in jars, with sunflowers

And don't forget your pets!!!

woman giving reiki to two dogs

Reiki treatments are also available (distant and hands on) for your pets! Dogs, cats, horses, sheep, even chickens can really enjoy a calming treatment and benefit from the healing energy of Reiki. 

Animal Reiki treatments are fully animal led, therefore they can last anywhere from 'no thank you' to 60 minutes. 

The suggestion for hands on sessions is to visit the pet in their own, most relaxing environment.

£20 per 30 minutes 

(£20 if the pet refuses treatment)

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